Who We are

The Tresor Women Warriors is a women-led organization. The main aim of the
organization is to uplift women to financial freedom. We are dedicated to making sure that women are resourceful and equipped with the right knowledge and skills to provide for them.


Our headquarters is in Kiang Kwinella. We operate Six farms and Five Poultry farms and have over 7000 women growing in our network in CRR, URR,
LRR, WCR, and the Kombos.

What We Do

We catalyze growth in Agriculture, Poultry, Entrepreneurship, Commodities Trading, Microfinance, and Enterprise Development.


From sustainable farming practices to ethical poultry farming, we empower communities through knowledge and resources. Nurturing entrepreneurial spirit, we guide business women toward success. In commodities trading, we drive economic opportunities, and through microfinance, we provide accessible financial empowerment.

What is your interest


We are committed to fostering growth and prosperity in diverse sectors.

Our comprehensive approach encompasses a range of key areas that form the backbone of sustainable development.





Commodities Trading

Enterprise Development

The Founder/President of Tresor Women Warriors, Kumba Daffeh-Kah Tresor and Chief Operating Administrator, Jatou Jaytee Mbye are currently in Nairobi, Kenya attending the African Development Bank Annual Meeting and 59th Anniversary with the theme “Africa’s Transformation, the African Development Bank Group,and the Reform of the Global Financial Architecture .“

This high-profile event brings together leaders from across the continent, including heads of state, ministers of finance, central bank governors, and representatives from international organizations, the private sector, and civil society.


The Founder/President of Tresor Women Warriors, Kumba Daffeh-Kah Tresor and Chief Operating Administrator, Jatou Jaytee Mbye are currently in Nairobi, Kenya attending the African Development Bank Annual Meeting and 59th Anniversary with the theme “Africa’s Transformation, the African Development Bank Group,and the Reform of the Global Financial Architecture .“

This high-profile event brings together leaders from across the continent, including heads of state, ministers of finance, central bank governors, and representatives from international organizations, the private sector, and civil society. The discussions aim to address critical issues related to Africa’s economic development, focusing on how the African Development Bank can drive transformative change and support sustainable growth.


Opened the 1st ever Bank in Mamut Fana.

⁠Trained 23 girls last year in Agriculture, Entrepreneurship and Leadership.

Agricultural Leadership Award 2021 by Heroes Award.

Pioneer Woman Boss in Agriculture by Woman Boss 2021

Business Woman of the Year by GCCI 2022

Agricultural Leadership Award by Heroes Award 2022

Movement of Women for Women


In the mosaic of impact, collaboration shapes our path, weaving partnerships that drive sustainable development.


Guided by the Tresor Women Warriors, our leadership fuels empowerment, steering initiatives towards transformative change.


Rooted in commitment, success pulses through thriving agriculture, empowered entrepreneurs, and a legacy of positive impact.


Support at Tresor Women Warriors is a sturdy bridge, connecting individuals and enterprises to resources, guidance, and unwavering encouragement.

Interventions Areas

The woman next to you is not your competition but your collaborator.


Our Partners


What They Say

Meet Our Team Members



Blog & Articles.

Women In Business

Women Supporting Women